Solo Isn't Solo

It takes a specific type of person to travel alone, I think. I don't say this to argue that this method of travel is better than traveling with others; it's just different. Like any traveling, it can be trying at times, but it allows a freedom and openness to learn and engage that I've never been able to recreate when traveling in groups. In my experience, it's rare to find these types while not on the move, so it was a treat to run into Bruna while walking around downtown Boulder last week. Bruna is an energetic, confident, radiant Brazilian on a journey around the world (You can follow her travels here). She's covered the western United States and is currently traveling through Texas and New Orleans before making her way to New York. After that, she heads over to Europe for a few months and then wherever else the wind takes her. Africa, perhaps?

She wanted to go on a hike before she left for her next destination (Dallas, ironically, my hometown) so we settled on tackling Bear Peak, overlooking Boulder. I always forget just how difficult a hike this peak is, but we made it to the top in one piece and were able to celebrate with a relevant beverage (we could actually see Golden, the only place Coors Banquet is brewed, from the peak) and spend some time up top admiring the silence and grandness of this place. 

It always stirs emotions to connect with fellow solo travelers. The process of entering a new city with fresh eyes, forging connections with people, sharing experiences, then picking up and moving on is one that is challenging but always meaningful. If you're reading this, perhaps you know the feeling I'm talking about. Some of my fondest memories follow this pattern. Safe travels, Bruna – See you on the road sometime.